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Long Hollow Collection
(Vinyl Porch Brackets)
These 100% vinyl porch brackets and vinyl corner brackets are available in four sizes  between 11" and 24"  Actual sizes for each bracket varies.

The actual size of the porch brackets and corner brackets can be found in the catalog below.

Today’s modern neighborhoods offer beauty, practicality, and tremendous value in terms of amenities. The homes, however, sometimes lack originality. Long Hollow levels the playing field. This simple, stylish line will transform an
ordinary house into a unique, distinctive home, proving that “less” really is “more.” Express yourself. Add that special touch. Incorporate Long Hollow brackets into the exterior design of your home to create a place that’s cozy, warm, and full of character.

Vinyl Brackets

Vinyl Gable Brackets

Vinyl Running Trim

Vinyl Sawn Balusters

Alcaniz Cervantes


Ferdinand Florida Blanca Jordan

Moreno Osceola Romano

Salamanca Tunis DeLeon

Common sizes of all Durabrac decorative vinyl Porch brackets are approximately  11, 14, 18 and 22 inches. All brackets are 3/4" thick.

Durabrac vinyl brackets can be special ordered, in quantity, in a thickness of 1/2” 1" or 1 1⁄2”.  The actual sizes vary among the designs. The exact size of all vinyl brackets is available in the online catalog.

All images and designs are property of Classic Design & Manufacturing, Inc.